Check out the October Contest at EverythingScrapin~~
Here the beautiful bling that I used on my example. I just love the combo of bling and pearls
So here are the rules:
Take inspiration from the sketch it doesn't have to be an exact copy of the sketch. You can take creative liberties any way you feel inclined... the only thing you have to have on the layout is BLING of some sort. It can be gems, pearls, jewels, etc. Let's see what you've got in your stash. If you need to buy some we have perfect products to fit every need in the Everything Scrapp'n store. Here's a link to that department so you can shop.
Make a comment with a link your creation on the contest blog entry on the ES blog by 11:59 EST on Sunday, November 8th, 2009. Each layout you create & post link to will receive one entry so get busy & get creative. We can't wait to see what you do with the sketch.
To see what the rest of design team has done with it visit: